RasKon - Change log
- 0001344: [Desired.] Additional customizable sash properties (ADGroup)
- 0001827: [Wishes]. Ability to script to recalculate an order with other customizable properties and display a separate cost on the print. (ADGroup)
- 0001826: [Wishful thinking]. Upload file for "Processing station Hollinger PBZ Rahmen 2, format "XML" (ADGroup)
- 0001825: [Wishes]. In the upload file for the welder Sturtz HSM 30/26 (2018), sort the order of the contours. (ADGroup)
- 0001824: [Wishful Thinking]. Upload data to "Зварювальник Hollinger MSP-i-280-300, format "TXT"" (ADGroup)
- 0001823: [Errors]. Added additional error logging for the presence of an invalid design in an order. (ADGroup)
- 0001822: [Errors.] Error "update not possible; lock is set by user ... on machine ..." (ADGroup)
- 0001821: [Desired.] Minor improvements to the program's language translation module. (ADGroup)
- 0001820: [Errors]. Access violation error error when printing order group reports. (ADGroup)
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