Task preview

0001827RasKonWishespublic2022-12-14 00:42
InitiatorADGroup ResponsibleADGroup  
Condition closedDecisionsolved 
Целевая версия10.22Решена в версии10.22 
Theme0001827: Possibility to recalculate the order with other customizable properties using a script and display the separate cost on the print.
Number of references
Implementation period (days)
Planned date


related to 0001859 closedADGroup Ability to recalculate an order with other nestable properties and display a separate cost per print in the dealer version. 
blocks 0002004 closedADGroup Error in some cases when recalculating an order using a script with other custom sash properties. 



2018-11-07 04 :05

administrator ~0001883


2018-11-09 14 :45

administrator ~0001887

Sample variable-script for print forms to display the cost of designs in an alternate calculation option based on the new custom properties function for design element settings.

GD.ZakazWCPInit; // initialize the function of alternative calculation of the order cost
GD.ZakazWCPSetParam('opt1',3); // this line specifies that in the alternative calculation we should set the value 3 for the opt1 variable.
GD.ZakazWCPSetParam('opt2',1); // this line indicates that in the alternative calculation the value of 1 for the opt2 variable should also be set.
zk:=GD.ZakazWCPRecalc; // creates a copy of the order in memory, applies the necessary properties and calculates the cost of such an order
result:=pu.GetCursToPrn(zk.Izd.Items.GetById(PrintData.Izd.Id).sms.Summa); // this line returns the AMOUNT of the corresponding construct from the alternative calculation as the result to be displayed in the printed form.

Community support for the task
This problem is marked solved.
If you think it is not, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No supporters have yet voted in favor of the task.
Neutrality: No users have yet voted neutral for this task.
Opponents: No opponents have yet voted in favor of this task.

Change history

Date of change User Field Modify
2018-11-07 03:47 ADGroup New task
2018-11-07 03:47 ADGroup Condition new => assigned
2018-11-07 03:47 ADGroup Responsible => ADGroup
2018-11-07 04:05 ADGroup Condition assigned => closed
2018-11-07 04:05 ADGroup Decision open => solved
2018-11-07 04:05 ADGroup Resolved in version => 10.22
2018-11-07 04:05 ADGroup Comment added: 0001883
2018-11-09 14:45 ADGroup Comment added: 0001887
2019-05-01 13:35 ADGroup Link added related to 0001859
2021-09-26 16:35 ADGroup Link added blocks 0002004
2022-12-14 00:42 ADGroup Tagged added: S100