RasKon - Change log
- 0001717: [Desired.] Automatically (optionally) send draft order calculations from dealer programs to the full version. (ADGroup)
- 0001742: [Wishful thinking]. Setting up a separate tax for dismantling/mounting has been moved to the "additional" tab. (ADGroup)
- 0001741: [Wishes]. Ability to ungranize the use of order filters based on polzers' labels, disabling the "all" users filter. (ADGroup)
- 0001740: [Wishes]. Added setting in users to restrict the ability to edit/add/delete "order filters". (ADGroup)
- 0001737: [Wishes.] Improvements to the marking of a number of operation for a machining center. (ADGroup)
- 0001736: [Requests]. In the file for the Shirmer machining center, in the P field, add a notation for the position of the profile part in the drawing. (ADGroup)
- 0001715: [Errors]. When cutting materials on selected orders, parallel cutting of impost into two sticks does not occur. (ADGroup)
- 0001733: [Wishes]. Upload file to Processing Center Schirmer BAZ -2, format "$TX". (ADGroup)
- 0001732: [Errors]. Fixed upload to SCHTEC SMC350 Machining Center, format "csv" (ADGroup)
- 0001716: [Wishes.] Adaptation of some program algorithms to work on Android. (ADGroup)
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