Installation of dealer program with detachable keys Hasp SL .

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Installation of the dealer program RasKon with the program key Hasp SL , which contains detachable keys for dealers consists of several steps. First, the main key is installed on the computer, on which the detachable keys are programmed, then the key for the dealer is detached, then the program itself is installed directly to the dealer. Installation of the main key is carried out using the utility ADGroupKeyUtils.exe, which can be downloaded here: /ADGroupKeyUtils .exe

Installing the primary key.

The main key, which contains the unbinding keys, is installed on the vendor's computer, usually on the computer where the full version of the program is installed. Accordingly, all actions should be performed on the computer with the full version of the program.

1. Download the utility ADGroupKeyUtils.exe from our site, run it, open the first tab "Installing a new key". Install drivers directly from the utility, generate a computer ID and send it by e-mail to order@ with brief information about the program purchase (order number, customer, city, contact phone number) and wait for a reply. This procedure of receiving the ID should be done on the computer where we want to install the main complex key.

2. After the key is generated, you will receive the key file by e-mail. It should be installed only on the computer where the computer ID was generated in step 1. Run the ADGroupKeyUtils.exe utility and on the first tab "Install a new key" select the key file and click the "Apply key file" button. If error #7 appears during the process of applying the file, you should open the link in your browser and then on the opened page select the key file and click the "Apply File" button.

Enable the ability to unlock keys from the primary key.

3. After installing the main key you need to go to the page and check the item "Enable Detaching of Licenses", also you need to specify the maximum period of detaching the key in the field "Max. Detach Duration" field and click "Submit" button.

Unlocking the key for the dealer.

4. After installing the master key, you must unlock the key for the dealer. Any unlocked key issued to the dealer can be returned to the dealer ahead of time in a special way by means of file exchange between the dealer computer and the computer with the main key (more details in the technical support, later there will be a corresponding tab for this action in the utility). Unbinding is performed using the ADGroupKeyUtils.exe utility. There are step-by-step instructions on how to unlock the key on the "Unlock key" tab. When unlocking the key, you will need to specify two key fields: "key expiration date" and "note". In the note we strongly recommend to write the name of the dealer, then you will be able to see all issued keys, expiration dates and to whom they were issued (you see exactly the field "note"). Choose the validity period of the key very carefully, because in case of "absence" of the dealer's computer it will be impossible to return the key early and it will be deactivated automatically only at the end of the "key validity period", which you set yourself at the moment of unlocking. Any unlocked key issued to the dealer can be extended at any time by re-unlocking it on the same dealer's computer for a new and longer period of time.

Installing the dealer program on the dealer's computer.

5. Installation of the program will come to you in the form of a self-extracting archive (most often it can be the file "Ccalc6.80Dealer.exe"). It is recommended that you save the resulting file (as well as the key file) to any location on your hard disk for archival purposes. The installation file should be run and thus install the program.

If everything has been done correctly, the program can be started, at startup it will ask for a user name and password. The user name and password are provided by the manufacturer of constructions from which the dealer program is installed. The program may also ask for a "dealer password" ("dealer password") at the first startup, this information should also be requested from the company of the construction manufacturer.

Early return of the key from the dealer's computer.

6. Early return of the key from the dealer's computer may be required if:

    if you stop working with this dealer;
    the dealer is going to make any changes to the computer on which the detached key is installed (reinstall the operating system, change or add any components to the computer); the dealer is going to make any changes to the computer on which the detached key is installed (reinstalling the operating system, changing or adding any
    components of the computer); 
    the dealer needs to transfer the program to another computer.

In this case you need to go to in your browser on the dealer's computer where the key is installed, click on the "Cancel License" button, click on the "Cancel License" button again in the opened window, click on the "Save as" button in the next window and save the file with the revoked license. In the next window click on the "Save as" button and save the file with the revoked license. After that, you need to transfer this file to the computer where the main key is installed, open the link in your browser and then on the opened page select the file with the revoked license and click the "Apply File" button. After that you will be able to reissue this key to the dealer.

Recommendations on how to learn the program.

To understand the work of the program it is recommended to read the "User Manual", it can be opened if you go to the program in the menu "Help", item "Help" (the manual is in PDF format, so to open it you need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer). It is also recommended to watch the video on working with the program on our YouTube channel: It is especially important to watch the video "006. RasKon. Basics of working with the program.", it outlines the basic steps and functions of daily work with the program.

Updating the dealer database.

How to update your dealership database.