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RasKon (Calculating Structures)

Calculation program for windows, doors, partitions, facades (translucent structures)

Latest version: 7.11 from 06.05.2008

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06.05.2008 | 7.11
- исп: ошибка - нередактировались курсы валют, данная ошибка появилась несколько версий назад
24.04.2008 | 7.10
- change: slightly improved registration window, now when sending a serial number it is necessary to select the target
- fix: fixed the error of converting the stock of profile scraps and loading the general stock of materials, these errors appeared in version 7.09.
15.04.2008 | 7.09
- change: the principle of keeping the warehouse of profile and glass scraps has been fundamentally changed, now they are accounted for through the general "materials warehouse"
- dob: in the settings of construction elements when configuring additional elements, added dependencies on the areas of internal, external and total coverage for materials with units of grams, liters, milliliters.
04.04.2008 | 7.08
- change: algorithm for controlling erroneously saved orders
- change: sorting principle for profile nesting
- change: increased clarity of the design picture on the profile label and the current profile is now highlighted in black on this picture
- dob: added information about the fastening points of connectors on the profile label for variant 2.
02.04.2008 | 7.07
- fix: error when uploading data to Base9.dbf file; length and quantity fields in piece materials were uploaded incorrectly, now uploading is done by the same principle as in "additional elements" printouts. elements"
- fix: error in calculating wrong angles of impost, which is set in the extreme position and has zero width in the settings; earlier the program gave angles on cutting 0 and 180 degrees, and it was necessary 90 and 90
- fix: error in drawing of part notation on profile cutting at angles close to 0 and 180 degrees, earlier the lines went outside the sheet and automatically generated a lot of "garbage" pages for displaying "exiting lines"
- fix: error in geometric algorithms causing incorrect drawing of glazing and glazing bar in critical places in arched constructions
- fix: "VAT" column on printed forms "invoice" and "calculation", now the program, depending on the selected VAT calculation mode, signs "VAT" or "including VAT".incl. VAT"
- dob: new currency "AUD" (Australian dollar)
- dob: control of erroneously saved orders
19.02.2008 | 7.06

- change: restrictions on the minimum and maximum scale of design display on the drawing sheet
- change: the "prefix to order number" setting has been changed to the "division code" setting, this code is now automatically saved to the order file and is visible in the order book in the general list, by this field it is now possible to fully identify branches and dealers (before branches and dealers start using the program, they will have to make this setting in their program in accordance with the provided information).
14.02.2008 | 7.05
- fix: some corrections to the file format for uploading profile cuts to the saw Fentec MTS Typ ST-1.
11.02.2008 | 7.04
- dob: in version PLUS two new manufacturers "Reinforcement" and "Mosquito net" have been added to the list of manufacturers
- dob: possibility to interrupt "profile cutting" and "price list" calculation
- fix: some corrections in file format for uploading profile cutting to the saw Sturtz
06.02.2008 | 7.03
- good: unload function for optimized profile cutting to the saw Fentec MTS Typ ST-1
04.02.2008 | 7.02
- fix: some corrections to the file format for uploading profile cuts to the saw Sturtz
23.01.2008 | 7.01
- change: slightly changed the principle of work of programs "plus network 10/50"
- dob: processing of the situation of impossibility of access to configuration files
- dob: in the warehouse of profile scraps added display of profile manufacturer
- dob: in the directory of customers for each customer added fields "city" (to specify the settlement) and "type" (to specify "customer" or "dealer")
- dob: in the directory of orders, in the mode of displaying with the help of "filter", added possibility in the filter to select a group of customers for displaying, thus you can easily get a report on any customer (dealer)
- fix: some corrections in the file format for uploading profile cutting to the saw. Sturtz
10.01.2008 | 7.00

- dob: on the registration window, clicking on the e-mail address automatically creates a new e-mail with this recipient
- dob: function of selecting arc vertices for any frame sections (including vertical ones), as well as for imposts
- dob: only in version Plus added function of "activating" any profile manufacturers from the provided list in the menu "directories" item "manufacturers", this will help experienced users who own version Plus to independently customize new pro systems. only in version Plus such items as "Glass units", "Window sills", "Sills", "Fasteners" have been added to the list of manufacturers; this will allow to build the material directory more accurately
- dob: export of profile cutting data for computer-controlled saw Sturtz DG-LM-35
- fix: bug in the development environment related to the disappearance of context menus (right-click) on text editing elements (cut, copy, paste operations, etc.) - fix: export of profile nesting data for computer-controlled saws etc.)
- fix: minor errors in the print module (opening reports without data, double letters ...).
19.12.2007 | 6.99.22
- fix: profile cutting error, when the option to cut synchronously left, right, top, bottom parts on 2 sticks was enabled, sometimes there was a situation that on parallel sticks parts were from different cells
- fix: error in calculation of support vertices and radii for a radius arch, the error was that if you change the overall dimensions or move the end vertices of a structure that contains an arch, the radius and the position of the support vertices were not automatically recalculated and were always the same as they were set at the beginning of the design.
13.12.2007 | 6.99.21
- fix: error of work of program plus with network keys (the queue of running programs was not reset)
- fix: error of writing off the amount of materials on the basis of statistics of profile cutting (non-liquid, liquid, whole sticks) in file Base2.dbf
- fix: error in calculating the area of the structure when installing a fictitious impost under the "edge" of the fictitious frame, this error occurred very rarely due to the incorrect principle of constructing structures
- fix: error when the reinforcement was not cut parallel to two sticks when the option "in parallel cutting split into two sticks only left and right, upper and lower parts" is enabled
- ext: function "cut reinforcement discretely 50 mm", it is used for those productions where reinforcement is not cut exactly to size but cut in advance with 50 mm spacing to reduce the time of construction assembly
- fix: error "warehouse conversion", documents older than 2006 in some cases were renamed into acceptance certificates and general information about the document (number, date, note, etc.) was lost.д.)
05.12.2007 | 6.99.20
- changes: minor changes in the program algorithms
20.11.2007 | 6.99.19
- change: minor changes in the printing module
- change: the message "Order ... has been successfully saved" has been removed. was successfully saved", in any case the program informs about the error occurrence, so this message is removed for unnecessary
- mod: removed the message "Configuration loading is performed ...", also removed for unnecessary - add: the name of the main program window was added to display the main program window.", also removed unnecessarily
- dob: in the name of the main window of the program added display of the current profile
- rev: corrected the algorithm of testing the base of structural elements for the presence of elements without prescribed series
- dob: in the document preview window added display of the boundaries of each visual element on the printouts when you check the box "fields", it is convenient to use for debugging printed forms
- rev: changed phone number on the registration window of the program
- dob: possibility to update the program via Internet, using the menu "help", item "update program"; this function is available only in the version "PLUS"
- dob: possibility to customize the list of utilities used by each user individually
- change: when setting the utility you can now specify not only the executable file ".exe" file, but also a file with any other extension
10.10.2007 | 6.99.18
- change: minor changes were made to the error generation mechanism
- dob: testing of the base of structural elements for the presence of elements with deleted series
- dob: testing of the base of structural elements for the presence of elements without prescribed series - dob: testing of the base of structural elements for the presence of elements without prescribed series
08.09.2007 | 6.99.17
- fix: error when writing off materials for the current order from the warehouse with the "check for required quantity" option enabled, the program sometimes displayed a note for some items with the need to purchase materials with zero quantity
- change: some minor changes in printed forms
- fix: error in ticking the checkboxes of cell alignment in the cell editor (in the editor of printed forms)
- dob: function of uploading optimized profile nesting to the saw Kaban 1040 (second file format)
03.09.2007 | 6.99.16
- dob: function of numbering of cells on profile nesting and reinforcement, accordingly, slightly changed the appearance of printed forms of profile nesting and profile stickers
- fix: error of displaying amounts in words, now this is affected by the setting "accuracy of displaying amounts"
- dob: function for uploading profile nesting to the saw Kaban 1030/1040
- rev: contact information in the menu "help", item "about the program"
- dob: in the tab "additional" added a box that displays the current template in which the order was calculated and also allows you to change the template and recalculate the order in a new template
- fix: error when writing off materials for the current order from the warehouse with the option "check for the required quantity" enabled, the program did the check for materials that had the option "write off by warehouse" removed from the materials directory
- dob: algorithm that allows to test the structure of these files before writing off materials to an external DBF warehouse and report about the outdated structure and actions to be taken in this situation
- dob: function that allows to automatically open an order from a file whose name is marked asEXE with opening of *.ZKZ files
20.08.2007 | 6.99.15
- fix: in several previous versions the text information on the registration window in the "target" drop-down list was missing
- dob: the display of the fields "number of constructions" and "order area" was added to the order book; as a consequence, the time of loading the order database increased slightly
- rev: the display of tick marks in the order execution stages columns was slightly changed in the order book
- rev: the option "store all orders in compressed format" was removed in the environment settings, after long testing this option is hidden and always enabled, use the button "resave all orders in compressed format" to force activation of this option for "old" orders
- add: in the profile nesting algorithm added sorting of parts within each stick by decreasing length
- fix: bug blocking the start of the "Plus" program in terminal mode
- dob: completely new profile nesting algorithm, some of the old algorithms were left and some were changed in terms of runtime optimization
- dob: in the profile nesting settings there are now three modes "simple (fast)", "normal" and "complex (slow)", the most optimal in terms of time and quality is the "normal" mode, it is a completely new algorithm, not a replacement for the former "complex (slow)", the current version of the "complex (slow)" mode is a completely new algorithm and takes much longer
- revision: slightly changed the principle of work of the algorithm of cutting profile from scraps
- revision: some basic algorithms have been accelerated, which positively affects the speed of the program as a whole.
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