Task preview

0002156RasKonMistakespublic2024-09-29 19:44
Initiatoryavir3 ResponsibleADGroup  
Condition closedDecisionsolved 
Целевая версия10.73Решена в версии10.73 
Theme0002156: Неверная конвертация квадратных метров в квадратные футы
DescriptionВ обновлении появилась функция отображения размеров в печатных формах в футах, но программа не верно конвертирует квадратные футы - отображение в 10 раз больше.

примеры снизу.

1.96m²= 21.09726ft²

в программе пишет 210,97ft²
TagsThere are no associated tags.
Attached files
123.JPG (55,502 bytes)   
123.JPG (55,502 байт)   
852.jpg (55,978 bytes)   
852.jpg (55,978 bytes)
Number of references
Implementation period (days)
Planned date


related to 0002080 closedADGroup When switching to display the dimensions in inches in the drawing, the dimensions in mm and the area in m.k.a. remain in p.f.. The dimensions remain in mm. and the area in m.f. 



2024-09-29 19 :44

administrator ~0002203

Community support for the task
This problem is marked solved.
If you think it is not, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: No supporters have yet voted in favor of the task.
Neutrality: No users have yet voted neutral for this task.
Opponents: No opponents have yet voted in favor of this task.

Change history

Date of change User Field Modify
2024-09-07 17:11 yavir3 New task
2024-09-07 17:11 yavir3 File added: 123.JPG
2024-09-07 17:11 yavir3 File added: 852.jpg
2024-09-29 17:46 ADGroup Targeted version => 10.73
2024-09-29 17:46 ADGroup Responsible => ADGroup
2024-09-29 17:46 ADGroup Condition new => assigned
2024-09-29 17:48 ADGroup Link added related to 0002080
2024-09-29 19:44 ADGroup Condition assigned => closed
2024-09-29 19:44 ADGroup Decision open => solved
2024-09-29 19:44 ADGroup Resolved in version => 10.73
2024-09-29 19:44 ADGroup Comment added: 0002203