Task preview

0001466RasKonMistakespublic2017-06-01 13:30
InitiatorDmitriyK ResponsibleADGroup  
Condition closedDecisionsolved 
PlatformWin32Operating systemWindows ServerOS version2003
Версия продукта9.88 
Целевая версия9.89Решена в версии9.89 
Theme0001466: The "Apply in tagged series" option stopped working after the update
DescriptionWhen a label is set in a series, the material bound to that label in the settings is ignored, if the "Apply in series with label" field is cleared, the material is used.
Number of references
Implementation period (days)
Planned date



2017-05-23 12 :22

developer ~0001452

Fixed. Will be included in the next update.


2017-06-01 13 :30

administrator ~0001474

Community support for the task
This problem is marked solved.
If you think it is not, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: arkadiy
Neutrality: No users have yet voted neutral for this task.
Opponents: No opponents have yet voted in favor of this task.

Change history

Date of change User Field Modify
2017-05-23 11:01 DmitriyK New task
2017-05-23 11:01 DmitriyK Tagged added: customization
2017-05-23 12:22 Antanel Responsible => Antanel
2017-05-23 12:22 Antanel Condition new => assigned
2017-05-23 12:22 Antanel Product version => 9.88
2017-05-23 12:22 Antanel Targeted version => 10.XX (forthcoming)
2017-05-23 12:22 Antanel Comment added: 0001452
2017-05-23 12:26 Antanel Responsible Antanel => ADGroup
2017-05-23 12:26 Antanel Condition assigned => under consideration
2017-06-01 13:30 ADGroup Targeted version 10.XX (forthcoming) => 9.89
2017-06-01 13:30 ADGroup Condition Reviewed => closed
2017-06-01 13:30 ADGroup Decision open => solved
2017-06-01 13:30 ADGroup Resolved in version => 9.89
2017-06-01 13:30 ADGroup Comment added: 0001474