Task preview

0000141RasKonWishespublic2013-03-15 16:20
Initiatoranton ResponsibleADGroup  
Condition assignedDecisionopen 
PlatformWin64Operating systemWindows ServerOS version2008
Версия продукта8.92 
Целевая версия10.XX (ближайшие) 
Theme0000141: Hotkeys
DescriptionI would like to have hotkeys working
say CTRL + Z to cancel the last action
CTRL + ALT + Z to cancel the sequence of actions.
I think you can sketch a dozen more, but these would be very convenient.
For example, I think you can take such programs as Photoshop, Korel, Autocad and from there combinations to take.
TagsThere are no associated tags.
Number of references
Implementation period (days)
Planned date



2013-03-14 18 :06

administrator ~0000095

I remember many years ago this issue was raised by you.
On this part of the question:
"say CTRL + Z undo the last action.
CTRL+ ALT + Z cancel the sequence of actions".
Say we are talking about a sheet of drawing?

"I think you can sketch a dozen more, but these would be very handy.
For example, I think you can take such programs as Photoshop, Korel, Autocad and from there combinations to take."
On this part of the question please give me specific keyboard shortcuts and specific places to apply these shortcuts in RasKon. Unfortunately, I am not an active user of the above programs and do not know by heart the combinations that are applied there. I can't study these products on keyboard shortcuts myself simply because of lack of time.
Please specify not only the keyboard shortcuts, but also the places where these shortcuts are used (this is a prerequisite for the realization of such an improvement).


2013-03-15 12 :40

author ~0000100

All these keys are needed on the drawing page
I will talk to people who spend much more time in this program to determine what is necessary.

For myself I see such options:

CTRL+Z - cancel action
W - select frame
S - sash selection
R - selection of handle
I - selection of vertical impost
CTRL+I - select horizontal impost
CTRL + Scroll Mouse - move to the next design in the order, if there are several of them
SHIFT + Scroll Mouse - change the selected element for the design (handle, frame, sash variants, etc.)


2013-03-15 16 :20

administrator ~0000102

All right. (chuckles)

Community support for the task
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Supporters: vovaukrainec KTB-GROUP-tech ma3x arkadiy
Neutrality: No users have yet voted neutral for this task.
Opponents: No opponents have yet voted in favor of this task.

Change history

Date of change User Field Modify
2013-03-14 16:52 anton New task
2013-03-14 17:59 ADGroup Responsible => ADGroup
2013-03-14 17:59 ADGroup Condition new => assigned
2013-03-14 18:06 ADGroup Comment added: 0000095
2013-03-14 18:07 ADGroup Condition assigned => feedback
2013-03-15 12:40 anton Comment added: 0000100
2013-03-15 12:40 anton Condition feedback => assigned
2013-03-15 16:20 ADGroup Comment added: 0000102
2013-03-15 16:20 ADGroup Targeted version => 10.XX (coming)