Task preview

0001320RasKonWishespublic2017-05-17 15:40
InitiatorAntanel ResponsibleADGroup  
Condition closedDecisionsolved 
Целевая версия9.88Решена в версии9.88 
Theme0001320: In the material settings editor in the construction elements setting, add a condition for hardware depending on the sash.
DescriptionIn the settings of the f-rail make a condition from the sash in which it is located. As an option: Assign one or more labels to each of the "sashes", as in colors and profiles. And in the settings of f-ra add the field "use for sashes with labels...". By the way, this will automatically solve the issue of defining the sash T for the settings of the f-ra.
TagsThere are no associated tags.
Number of references
Implementation period (days)
Planned date



2017-05-17 15 :20

administrator ~0001433

Community support for the task
This problem is marked solved.
If you think it is not, please reopen it and explain why.
Supporters: EugeneII
Neutrality: No users have yet voted neutral for this task.
Opponents: No opponents have yet voted in favor of this task.

Change history

Date of change User Field Modify
2016-12-28 23:08 Antanel New task
2017-05-05 13:25 Antanel Responsible => Antanel
2017-05-05 13:25 Antanel Condition new => under consideration
2017-05-05 22:54 Antanel Responsible Antanel => ADGroup
2017-05-06 11:17 ADGroup Targeted version 10.XX (coming) => 9.88
2017-05-17 15:20 ADGroup Condition Reviewed => closed
2017-05-17 15:20 ADGroup Decision open => solved
2017-05-17 15:20 ADGroup Resolved in version => 9.88
2017-05-17 15:20 ADGroup Comment added: 0001433
2017-05-17 15:40 ADGroup Theme Condition for hardware "from the sash" => In the construction element settings, in the material settings editor, add a condition for hardware depending on the sash.