RasKon - Change log
- 0000811: [Errors.] Error hiding manufacturers in dealer program (ADGroup)
- 0000810: [Errors]. When forming a batch from the orders tab, the program adds inactive designs to the batch. (ADGroup)
- 0000809: [Errors]. Fixed missing dimension lines in the drawing in some non-standard designs. (ADGroup)
- 0000808: [Errors.] Fixed bugs in geometric algorithms causing error #9 when working with an order. (ADGroup)
- 0000766: [Wishes]. Add a "customer" column to the voyage shipping list print form (ADGroup)
- 0000806: [Desired.] The generation algorithms in the print module of the TruckRideDoc table are adapted to work with scripts. (ADGroup)
- 0000804: [Errors]. In some cases scripts were not executed on events. (ADGroup)
7 Tasks list Tasks list