RasKon - Change log
- 0000624: [Desired.] Additional "Type" field in the users directory. (ADGroup)
- 0000683: [Errors.] Error when using the cost mode "using "cost factors" in order templates". (ADGroup)
- 0000676: [Request.] When opening an order, provide a warning if the staple size does not match the insulating glass unit and mounting depth. (ADGroup)
- 0000677: [Desired.] Make it possible to set only one customized currency for order sheet and print forms. (ADGroup)
- 0000687: [Wishes]. Added the ability to disable the maintenance of the finished goods warehouse (glazing units, unglazed structures). (ADGroup)
- 0000686: [Wishful thinking]. When using batch scanning in the ARM, a table with the scan results appears instead of the customized printed form. (ADGroup)
- 0000685: [Desired.] Slightly improved the barcode input handler for batch scanning. (ADGroup)
- 0000684: [Errors]. In some cases, when exporting order fulfillment steps, the information exported was incorrect. (ADGroup)
- 0000180: [Errors.] Auto select staple in edit menu, change items in design/order. (ADGroup)
- 0000674: [Errors]. When building a balcony unit in a dummy frame, the profile labels incorrectly show the presence of a standoff profile. (ADGroup)
- 0000540: [Errors]. In the "Color" field the color is displayed correctly only if the color of the designs of the whole order is the same. (ADGroup)
- 0000673: [Errors]. When replacing a material in a drawing using the "element selection" button, the material color display does not change. (ADGroup)
- 0000675: [Errors.] Some bug fixes and improvements to the online dealer update feature. (ADGroup)
- 0000672: [Errors.] When generating the dealer base, the "Dealer Information - Where to get dealer password" field was displayed with asterisks. (ADGroup)
- 0000670: [Errors]. Did not display price in the print form editor in the IZDCURDOPLIST2 table for grouped materials. (ADGroup)
- 0000669: [Errors]. Minor error displaying information about active connections in TCP/IP mode. (ADGroup)
- 0000668: [Errors]. Errors of some inscriptions in the program interface not being translated into other languages. (ADGroup)
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