RasKon - Change log
- 0000342: [Desired.] Add "add-on readiness" stage and organize accounting of their readiness on the base of the APM when scanning barcode from the sticker. (ADGroup)
- 0000429: [Desired.] Add an additional condition to the design element settings to select material from a color group based on labels. (ADGroup)
- 0000428: [Desired.] Add an additional condition "consider profile length" to the design element settings. (ADGroup)
- 0000426: [Desired.] Finished goods warehouse for insulating glass units (putting packages in and out of stock by barcode). (ADGroup)
- 0000425: [Desired.] For additional items, three steps "preparation", "packing", "shipment" were introduced instead of two. (ADGroup)
- 0000424: [Wishful thinking]. When importing information from a text file via the command line, added a message about not found customer to the ccalc.err file (ADGroup)
- 0000423: [Errors]. Error when importing information from a text file via command line in TCP/IP mode. (ADGroup)
- 0000422: [Wishful thinking]. Add a warehouse of glazing units and a warehouse of non-glazed structures to the program similar to the finished goods warehouse. (ADGroup)
- 0000421: [General]. When saving printed forms as an image, the error "Not enough memory to process the command" appears. (ADGroup)
- 0000420: [Errors]. Unrecognized barcode for user - ARM-Finished Goods Warehouse on construction element (ADGroup)
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