RasKon - Change log
- 0001054: [Desired.] Ability to disable profile and glass nesting at the time of order recalculation, which greatly speeds up the work with orders. (ADGroup)
- 0001027: [Desired.] Improved mechanism for generating file "Saw Yialmaz, DC420, "MDB" format". (ADGroup)
- 0001074: [Wishes]. Fixed file generation for Saw Elumatec, DG-142 E555 , format "DGX". (ADGroup)
- 0001073: [Wishful thinking]. Added L4CALC field to Base14.dbf with material quantities adapted for accounting calculations. (ADGroup)
- 0001072: [Wishful thinking]. Added COLORNAME and COLORID fields to Base10.dbf file - mosquito net color. (ADGroup)
- 0001022: [Wishes]. Improved the core database operation to further transition to any network DBMS as well as SQLite for Android. (ADGroup)
- 0001023: [Desired.] Adaptation of the program core to work on other platforms (including Android). (ADGroup)
- 0001024: [Desired.] The mechanism for generating DBF files has been improved. (ADGroup)
- 0001021: [Errors]. Error generating DBF file headers (exporting debit to external DBF) when using 1251 charset. (ADGroup)
- 0001071: [Wishful thinking]. Added fields with point coordinates in Base7.dbf to the export of write-offs to the external warehouse. (ADGroup)
- 0001070: [Wishful thinking]. Added a number of fields with identifiers to the write-off export to the external warehouse. (ADGroup)
- 0001067: [Wishes]. Added new "Reinforcement Details" generic print form, with a list of reinforcement details and quantity grouping. (ADGroup)
- 0001066: [Desired.] Improved scripting when generating files for equipment. (ADGroup)
- 0001063: [Wishful thinking]. A new "barcode" element has been added to the print form editor. Now the barcode printing customization is more flexible. (ADGroup)
- 0001062: [General]. Changed transaction handling in table record insertion operations. (ADGroup)
- 0001053: [Errors]. Displaying tables on screen containing pictures caused incorrect fonts or missing pictures under Wine (Linux). (ADGroup)
- 0001050: [Desired.] Group open and save orders from files to the database. (ADGroup)
- 0001040: [Errors.] Sorting by the "Flight, shipment" field in the order book was not working correctly. (ADGroup)
- 0001039: [Desired.] Significantly accelerated opening of the "designs" tab when flights are active in the program. (ADGroup)
- 0001038: [Wishful thinking]. In Base2.dbf and Base3.dbf, add color identifier and partition identifier fields. (ADGroup)
- 0001037: [Errors]. In some cases on empty constructions without elements the program outputs color, which is incorrect. (ADGroup)
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