RasKon - Change log
Released 2015-10-19
(unstable, contains gross error 0000987)
- 0000982: [Wishes]. Warning at program startup about key expiration if less than 21 days to expiration. (ADGroup)
- 0000986: [Desired.] Added option to block exporting an order to DBF without an identifier. (ADGroup)
- 0000985: [Wishes]. Added option to automatically save an order to the database when a production order number is assigned. (ADGroup)
- 0000984: [Errors.] When changing the order color in the order book from any to none, the row in the table did not immediately change color. (ADGroup)
- 0000983: [Wishful thinking]. In the "help" menu, "about program" item, added information about key expiration date and key parent (if the key is detachable). (ADGroup)
- 0000981: [Wishful thinking]. Fixed filter in design element settings when adding an auxiliary element. (ADGroup)
- 0000980: [Desired.] Added the ability to change the size of the add mounting and additional items window. (ADGroup)
- 0000976: [Errors]. In warehouse documents, the option "Use your own exchange rates for this document" stopped working (ADGroup)
- 0000978: [General]. The mechanism for generating a program error report has been improved. (ADGroup)
- 0000977: [Errors]. On rare occasions on Windows XP, the program would simply close during startup without any error messages. (ADGroup)
- 0000974: [Errors]. When the "Database Utilities" button is disabled, the program does not respond to clicking "Ok". (ADGroup)
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